Saturday 4 August 2012

Liebster Award

I would like to thank Clare from a bit of this and that who nominated me for the Liebster Award.
There are rules to this award are:

1. Each person must post 11 things about themselves.
2. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you.
3. Choose 11 people and link them in your post.
4. Create 11 questions for the people you've tagged to answer.
5. Go to their page and tell them.
6. Remember, no tag backs!

 11 facts 
1. I love watching TV my favourite shows are Pretty Little Liars, Teen Wolf, Hollyoaks, Grimm and Revenge (there are actually a lot more but it would be too boring to list them all)
 2. I currently love MUA I love all of their products and their prices
3. I am scared of spiders I hate them I also don’t like bees and wasps
4. I finished doing my GCSEs this year and am going to 6th form in September
5. I have only been abroad 4 times(on school trips) Although next year I’m going to Iceland and New York (again with my school)
 6.For GCSE the subjects I chose to do were History, French and Geography. We had to do English, Maths, Biology, Chemistry, Physics and RS
7 . I am loving MUA at the moment the makeup items are such a steal
 8. I don’t own any high end makeup (except some Stila products that I got from Poundland so it doesn’t really count
  9.I find the sound of rain really relaxing (weird I know)
10.  I am obsessed with the smell of vanilla
11. I would love to reach 100 followers by Christmas

Questions for me to answer

1. What’s your favourite season- fashion wise?
I’d have to say summer as you can wear more skirts and dresses without having to wear tights or leggings (although summer in the UK sometimes makes that impossible)
2. What’s your favourite colour?
This often changes but at the moment it is mint green. I love this colour but I don’t know why as I usually don’t like green but recently I’ve liked it a bit more not just mint green but other greens as well.
3. What’s your favourite food?
Any sort of chocolate pudding I always chose a chocolate dessert when I’m out. Although I eat a lot of chocolate desserts I don’t very often eat chocolate bars (which is a bit odd)
4. Drugstore or high end
As I said above I don’t own any high end products so I have to say drugstore. I don’t see the need to spend lots of money on makeup pieces when you can get good makeup for much lower prices.
5. What would be your ideal meal?
Probably a pasta dish I love eating pasta.
6. If you were in the Olympics, what would be your event?
To be honest I’m really not sporty but maybe badminton or tennis
7. Name your favourite 3 bloggers and why?
I really enjoy reading her posts and her pictures always look amazing.  She is really pretty and I love her hair. If you haven’t already go check out her blog.
I’m sure you already follow her but Zoella was one of the bloggers that inspired me to start my own blog. I love her style and her reviews are always really helpful.
I love the range of posts that are featured on this blog. There is a good mix which means that there is something for everyone.
8. Who is your favourite NEW blogger?
This blog is relatively new and I really enjoy reading it. One of the things I like about it is that she mentions only drugstore products which is good as they are the only products I buy.
9. Twitter or Facebook?
This is a difficult one as each site as there plus sides. I’d say for connecting with other bloggers Twitter is the best but for connecting with your friends Facebook  is better.
10. High Street or Designer?
High Street as they have affordable prices and they are more accessible.
11.Theatre or Cinema?
I go to the cinema more often than the theatre but when I go to the theatre I really enjoy it. I loved seeing the Woman In Black at one of the London theatres.

11 questions for you to answer
  1.      Why did you start blogging?
  2.      What are your top 5 favourite songs at the moment?
  3.      Favourite makeup product?
  4.     Favourite TV series?
  5.     If you could change anything about your blog what would it be?
  6.    What is your favourite subject?
  7.      What is your favourite makeup brand?
  8.      What’s your dream holiday?
  9.      What’s your favourite item in your wardrobe?
  10.     If you could go back in time what famous event would you like to see?
  11.      Who are your favourite bloggers?

 Prettylittlefashionista xxx


  1. Thanks for answering my questions :) xx

    1. Your welcome and thank you for nominating me :)

  2. Thanks for the mention hun, lovely to know people read my posts :) Ali xx

  3. Congrats on the award girly!!

    xo, Jersey Girl

  4. congrats and thanks for nominating me:)

  5. Thank you and your welcome :)

